Wednesday, October 15, 2014

PFLAG NW Was Awesome!

We flew to Boise a couple weeks ago to participate in the Northwest PFLAG Conference. It was such a well organized event!  The keynote was Gene Robinson, a retired bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church of the United States and the first openly gay Bishop in historic Christianity. I was particularly interested in his suggestions for responding to those who use religious dogma to attack LGBT.  I could have used that advice about 40 years ago when dealing with my family of origin!  Gene's sessions were exceptional and energized all of us to continue the good work of PFLAG. 

This was the title of my session on senior housing.
This conference was my first opportunity to reveal the results of my survey and share selected quotes from the LGBT seniors I've interviewed.  The information was well received and I had some good suggestions for further research on this topic.  Now I need to disaggregate the data by gender, age, and state.  Once that step is complete, I will share the survey data and the "essential elements" here on the blog.

It was great to see our Idaho friends, Bec and Theresa, who drove down from Moscow to attend the conference.  Those girls can finally get married in the Gem State!  Way to go, Idaho!

Babs and Charlie
While in Boise we had a lovely afternoon with Babs.  She came to my conference session making it a full circle as she was the inspiration for my study on senior housing.  Thanks Babs for sharing your wisdom, love, and exuberance for lifeI want to be like you when I grow up!